HTML Symbol Codes
These HTML symbol codes include letters from foreign alphabets and special symbols. This is where you find things like the HTML Indent code.
The symbols are generally used for mathematics or currency. You will also find some legal symbols like and ©.
The shaded areas indicate the characters listed in are only good if you are quite sure your audience is DOS/Windows only people. The Mac and others won't see what you want them to.
Other ways exist to make these characters. The fractions can be made using the superscript <sup></sup> and subscript <sub></sub> tags for the numbers with a slash (/) in between. In fact you could make any fraction this way.
Other characters can be made using graphics if nothing else works.
You can use HTML   code is the HTML code for space. The HTML code for tab is simply the HTML   code several times.
Unwritten spaces simply means a name code does not exist for this character.